By-Laws of the American Rhinologic Society (ARS)


ARTICLE I: General Information
Section 1. Name
Section 2. Registered Office
Section 3. Powers
Section 4. Records of Accounts
Section 5. Non-Discrimination
Section 6. Purpose

ARTICLE II: Governing Body
Section 1. Officers
Section 2. President
Section 3. Executive Vice President
Section 4. Vice President of Development & Strategic Initiatives
Section 5. President-Elect
Section 6. First Vice-President
Section 7. Second Vice President
Section 8. Treasurer
Section 9. Secretary
Section 10. Immediate Past-president
Section 11. Education Coordinator
Section 12. Board of Directors
Section 13. Executive Committee
Section 14. Nominating Committee
Section 15: Election

ARTICLE III: Non-Governing (Non-Voting) Societal Positions
Section 1. Consultants to the Board of Directors
Section 2. Historian
Section 3. AAO-HNS Committee Chair
Section 4. Society Newsletter Editor
Section 5. Information Technology Officer
Section 6. International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology Editor

ARTICLE IV: Committees of the Society
Section 1. Standing Committees
Section 2. Non-standing Committees/Executive Committees
Section 3. Committees - Structure/Leadership
Section 4. Committees - Membership

ARTICLE V: Sections


Section 1. Name

This corporation shall be known as the American Rhinologic Society.

Section 2. Registered Office

The Society shall have and continuously maintain a registered office and registered agent whose office is identical with such registered office and may have other offices within or without the State of Illinois as the Board of Directors may from time to time determine.

Section 3. Powers

The Society has such powers as are now or may hereafter be granted by the General-not-for-profit Corporation Act of the State of Illinois.

Section 4. Records of Accounts

The Society shall keep correct and complete books and records of accounts and shall also keep minutes of the proceedings of its members, Board of Directors and committees having any of the authority of the Board of Directors, and shall keep at the registered or principal office a record of the names and addresses of the members entitled to vote. All books and records of the Society may be inspected by any member, or his agent or attorney for any proper purpose at any reasonable time.

Section 5. Non-Discrimination

In pursuit of its purposes and the exercise of its powers, the Society shall not discriminate on the basis of age, race, color, creed, gender or national origin. The Society is a national organization with a broad membership base, having members throughout the entire United States.

Section 6. Purpose

  1. To provide a forum for physicians and scientists who care for patients with nasal and sinus disorders to exchange knowledge and experiences.
  2. To spread scientific knowledge about rhinologic health problems to rhinologists and other physicians within America and other countries.
  3. To increase education and training in the art, science and clinical practice of Rhinology.
  4. To engage in, encourage and promote medical research in Rhinology and to bring forward such work to the medical profession and the general public, if warranted.
  5. To devote available income in excess of cost of operation and any other available resources to research and educational projects.


Section 1. Officers

The elected officers of this Society are:

  1. President
  2. Executive Vice President
  3. VP of Development & Strategic Initiatives
  4. President-Elect
  5. 1st Vice President
  6. 2nd Vice President
  7. Treasurer
  8. Secretary
  9. Education Coordinator

Section 2. President

The President of the ARS is the principal executive officer and spokesperson of the Society and shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 3. Executive Vice President

The Executive Vice President (EVP) is responsible for ensuring that the policies and programs of the ARS are administered effectively and implemented in a manner that is timely and consistent with the organization’s mission, vision, and core values.

Section 4. Vice-President of Development & Strategic Initiatives

The Vice-President of Development & Strategic Initiatives (VPDSI) shall be responsible for managing all aspects of corporate and individual support and development for short- and long-term activities, in support of the EVP and ARS Leadership. The VP will also carry out additional strategic initiatives as directed by the EVP and ARS Leadership as well as other duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 5. President-Elect

The President-Elect of the ARS is the Chair for COSM and Annual Meeting programing, and shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 6. First Vice-President

The First Vice-President of the ARS serves in the line of succession to the ARS President, and shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 7. Second Vice President

The Second Vice-President of the ARS serves in the line of succession to the ARS President, and shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 8. Treasurer

The Treasurer of the ARS manages the finances of the Society and shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 9. Secretary

The Secretary of the ARS is responsible for the society’s involvement in the Combined Otolaryngologic Spring Meetings and is on the Secretary Liaison’s Committee for that meeting. The Secretary shall be elected to carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 10. Immediate Past-president

The Immediate Past-President of the ARS shall carry out duties of the office as described in the Policies and Procedures of the Society.

Section 11. Education Coordinator

The Education Coordinator oversees and leads the development and execution of ARS education strategy/programs in support of the ARS education mission. The Education Coordinator is a member of the ARS Board of Directors.

Section 12. Board of Directors

The above elected officers and six elected directors shall constitute the Board of Directors, the governing body of the Society. The Immediate Past-President shall remain a member of the Board of Directors for one year. These 16 officers constitute the voting membership of the Board of Directors.

Section 13. Executive Committee

The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, the Executive Vice President, the Immediate Past President, the President-Elect, the 1st Vice-President, the 2nd Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer, who shall be responsible for all non-policy day-to-day operations of the Society. The Editor-in-Chief, International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, is an ex-officio member of the EC with no voting rights.

Section 14. Nominating Committee

The Society shall have a Nominating Committee consisting of the Immediate Past President (acting as chair), one member of the Board of Directors, one fellow-at-large of the Society (not an officer or director) selected by outgoing past president, two fellows-at-large voted on by the membership, the Diversity officer, and Executive Vice President.

Section 15. Election

The Officers and Directors shall be elected at the annual fall meeting and shall take office at the conclusion of the last ARS sponsored function during the annual fall meeting.


The elected officers and Board of Directors, by majority vote, may establish certain non-governing, non-voting societal positions to maintain proper functioning of the Society.

Section 1. Consultants to the Board of Directors

Consultants advise the BOD at the request of the President.

Section 2. Historian

The Society may designate one of its Fellows to serve as Historian.

Section 3. AAO-HNS Committee Chair

The Chairperson of the Rhinology and Paranasal Sinus Committee of the American Academy of Otolaryngology Head & Neck Surgery Foundation will be a non-voting ex officio member of the Board of Directors.

Section 4. Society Newsletter Editor

The Editor of the Newsletter shall be nominated then approved by the Board of Directors and carry out the duties as described in the Policies and Procedures.

Section 5. Information Technology Officer

The Chairperson of the Information Technology Committee will also serve as the Information Technology Officer. This officer shall report to the Board at its regular meetings and will manage the budget allocated for information technology activities. The information technology officer is responsible for the Society's day-to-day internet activities.

Section 6: International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology Editor

The Editor of the International Forum of Allergy and Rhinology, the official journal of the ARS, will be a non-voting ex officio member of the Board of Directors.


Section 1. Standing Committees

The following committees comprise the standing committees of the Society, having been appointed by the President and approved by the Board of Directors:

  1. CME Committee
  2. Live and Ancillary Education Courses Committee
  3. Online Education Committee
  4. Education Innovation Committee
  5. Audit Committee
  6. Awards Committee
  7. By-Laws Committee
  8. Information Technology Committee
  9. Membership Committee
  10. Newsletter Committee
  11. Patient Advocacy Committee
  12. Research and Grants Committee
  13. Ethics Committee
  14. Resident and Fellow's Committee
  15. Marketing committee
  16. Mentorship Committee
  17. International Liaison Committee
  18. Pediatric Rhinology Committee
  19. Diversity and Inclusion Committee

Section 2. Non-standing Committees/Executive Committees

The following committees comprise the non-standing committees of the Society, having been approved by the Board of Directors:

  1. Executive Committee
  2. Committee on Committees
  3. Nominating Committee
  4. Program Committee
  5. Investment Committee
  6. Development Committee
  7. Rhinology Training Council
  8. Fellowship Committee

Section 3. Committees – Structure/Leadership

Each standing committee will have a chairperson, who will be nominated by the
Committee on Committees. Formal approval and duties are outlined in the Policies and Procedures.

Section 4. Committees – Membership

In addition to a Chairperson, each standing committee of the Society shall have at least two other members serving on the committee. Formal approval procedures and duties are outline in the Policies and Procedures.


The Board of Directors may authorize groups within the ARS to designate formal Sections. Sections will be established to support involvement and enhanced representation of membership segments within the ARS. Formal procedures to form sections and duties therein are outlined in the Policies and Procedures.